Let all be received as Christ
"So if you consider me your partner, receive him as you would receive me." - Philemon 1:17
In this verse, Paul is asking his friend Philemon to welcome back Onesimus (a former slave who had run away after stealing from Philemon). Paul had met Onesimus in prison, where Onesimus became a Christian.​
People who have been in jail need Christian community when they get out
Isolation makes recovery difficult
We should welcome former inmates as we would welcome Christ Himself
Are you willing to welcome former inmates and their families into your church community with the same openness you would show to Christ? We can help with volunteering training, referrals, resources, and prayer. Contact us today to see how your church can partner with Jail Chaplains.
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Visit Us
If you would like to visit with a member of the Jail Chaplains team, we recommend calling to schedule a visit: (701) 364-0067 or emailing: admin@jailchaplains.com.
1111 Westrac Dr. Suite 100, Fargo, ND 58103
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Sat - Sun